
Help save money on food by planning meals in advance and try to stick to a budget when you go shopping, don’t be tempted by what looks like a great deal. Make a list before you shop or even take a “shelfie” picture of what’s in your fridge/cupboard to remind you of what you need to buy.
You can find more information about making the most of leftovers, avoiding food waste and saving money on your food shop at Love food hate waste
Batch cooking food from scratch and freezing portions is a good way to make food go further and save on energy as well.
You can also:
Explore foodbanks. They can help you access essential food – we can direct you to these or you can find your nearest one. Find a Trussell Trust near you
We've also partnered with Maidstone Borough Council to provide Community Larders in our Shepway and Park Wood Communities. For a £3 donation, you can access chilled, frozen, fresh and store cupboard items. Find out more.
For reduced priced food and waste saving recipes get the “Too good to go” food app
Your child may qualify for free school meals i f you're on means-tested benefits and on a low income. Check for free school meals