We’re committed to listening to customers and acting on feedback
We’re committed to listening to our customers and acting on your feedback. We take your comments, complaints, survey feedback and compliments seriously.
We aim to “Listen and Act” and will be regularly updating you with what we’re doing to make improvements to our services.
Please see below for examples of how we're listening and acting on your feedback.
March 2024
Listen - There’s a lot of information at the start of a tenancy and some customers are missing important guidance. Customers told us they find the "turn on and test gas" process confusing when signing up for a new tenancy.
Act – We're starting to split the sign-up emails and sending the "turn on and test gas" information separately so that it’s not missed and is easily available when the customer needs it.
Listen - Customers at the Shepway information evening on 22 February expressed their frustration with ASB happening at the regeneration site and the lack of action from the Police.
Act - We've started regular security patrols on the phase 1 site which we hope will show a reduction in anti-social activity.
Listen - You told us at last year’s Neighbourhood Action Days that many of you felt embarrassed and had no pride in your neighbourhoods because many gardens on your estates were overgrown and untidy.
Act - We’re working with our Tenancy and Homes team as well as our Estate Improvement Lead to help tackle this issue. One of the ways we’re doing this is to bring back the garden competition.