Our approach to damp and mould

Condensation on window sill

We're working hard to improve on the number of cases of damp and mould we’re dealing with and can share that we currently have no cases classed as category 1, and 91 classed as category 2. 

The safety of our customers is our top priority. We want all of our customers to live in a home that is safe, warm and free from damp and mould. We’ve improved our approach, working with customers to remove any health hazards urgently, whilst investing in the team and our homes to resolve longer-term issues. In 2024/25 we’ll spend an extra £700K to reduce damp and mould. 

Here’s how we’re improving how we handle damp and mould: 

Data and customer feedback 

We carry out a robust programme of Home Condition Surveys which are completed by our surveyors. These surveys capture Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) information all housing associations collect. This helps us to categorise damp and mould cases, giving us a better understanding of the severity of the problem and how we respond 

In December 2022 we made changes to the information we collect from a household reporting damp and mould and how we triage our cases to make sure households with existing respiratory conditions, vulnerabilities and young children are given higher priority.  

Setting up a dedicated team  

Since September 2022 we’ve been investing in the team and now have a team of experts dedicated to resolving damp and mould issues, including case managers and surveyors, improving our ability to keep customers informed about the work we’re doing in their home. 

We don’t deal with damp and mould as part of day-to-day repairs, we work with each individual customer to get their damp and mould resolved and see cases through to the end. Cases are only closed when we’ve got customer approval and our surveyors have carried out a quality control assessment.   

We’ve also got specialist contractors working for us on damp and mould remedial works, helping us to resolve issues effectively. 


Our team of dedicated damp and mould surveyors carry out detailed inspections, including taking photos and using specialist equipment and diagnose works to make sure we fully understand the cause. 

Where damp and mould is found in a property, we remove the immediate danger by carrying out a mould wash and then fix the underlying problem. This could be done by improving ventilation in the home or carrying out structural works.   


Our approach to resolving damp and mould cases ensures we support our customer. Our property and tenancy teams all work together to make sure that the root causes of damp and mould are fully understood and addressed, including where the problems are linked to fuel poverty or overcrowding. Our expert tenancy and welfare support teams are always on hand to work with customers to make sure they get the help and support they need.  

We’re able to use our hardship fund and to support customers with cost of living, energy bills, heating their homes so works can be carried out and dehumidifier electricity costs are covered.  


When a customer contacts us regarding damp and mould, we’ll be in touch with them within 5 working days and undertake an inspection within 10 working days. This is included in our Customer Offer which was launched in September 2022 and widely promoted to customers. If we identify a customer has a specific need, vulnerability or risk, we’ll attempt to make contact sooner and also make additional referrals to our welfare and tenancy support teams for additional support.  

When we visit your home, we’ll work with you to help get rid of existing damp and mould and provide you with advice on how to prevent it reoccurring in the future. We’ll let you know what we need to do and keep you updated throughout the process. 

Once we’ve completed the works in your home, we’ll visit again to make sure you’re happy with the service we've provided and that the problem is fixed. 

Work still to be done  

We know there is more we can do, and we have a plan, overseen by our Board to continue to improve our Damp and Mould service.  This plan will see us complete a programme of works to ensure all cases that have been reported are resolved. 

We’ve got plans to make better use of our data, both about properties and our customers to help us be more proactive in supporting customers who may be experiencing issues with damp and mould. 

We’re improving the way we communicate with customers about damp and mould; our newly approved Policy includes more emphasis on keeping customers updated and we’re working on new videos to ensure our advice and guidance is easy to access. We’re also running an ongoing colleague training and awareness campaign to make sure all colleagues have a full understanding of damp and mould and can use every opportunity to identify and report issues. 

Our ongoing home investment programme includes:  

  • roof, gutter and rainwater replacements 
  • internal and external insulation works, 
  • heating upgrades,  
  • ventilation improvements 
  • general external structural maintenance and re-decoration works 

This all helps to minimise the occurrence of damp and mould in our homes. 

We’re working hard to make sure we keep our customers safe in their homes.  

If you’re worried about damp, mould or condensation in your home, please get in touch so we can sort it as soon as possible by completing our online form or call us on 0300 777 2600